Arnau Pons
Poet and translator
One of the tasks with which he has become the best known is as a trilingual essayist with publications from here and abroad, especially on the poetry of Paul Celan, whose complete works he has translated, which has earned him the National Translation Prize 2015, as well as other writers such as Ingeborg Bachmann, Maurice Blanchot, Luiza Neto Jorge, among others.
Whenever he can, he translates works that allow him to take an existential and critical stance; hence his solidarity with authors who are not easy, such as Jean Bollack, whose work he has introduced to the Spanish-speaking world, Peter Szondi, Its'hoq Katzenelson and Henri Meschonnic.
Occasionally, he has edited texts of critical thought, poetry and interviews with prominent personalities. He teaches online classes at 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos, in Mexico, and gives workshops on critical hermeneutics in Barcelona.
His latest book brings together many of the critical texts he has written on contemporary Catalan authors (Bauçà, Marçal, Bonet, Maragall, Espriu, Guimerà, etc.) and reveals a way of reading works against the grain, as he has already done with the latest edition of Mercè Rodoreda's La mort i la primavera.